At JEALSA, regulatory compliance stands as one of the guiding principles of our activities, and we are committed to preventing the commission of crimes.
That is why we have an Integrated Criminal Compliance and Anti-bribery Management System (SIGCPAS) which is aligned to the standards of UNE 19601 on Criminal Compliance Management Systems in Spain and ISO 37001 on Anti-bribery Management Systems. Our policies are available to third parties on its website and on the corporate website www.jealsa.com. We have and ask for zero tolerance for the commission of crimes and that our interested parties have similar criminal risk prevention systems.
Our system covers all the companies that make up our business group, domestically and internationally, and all the people in our organization and concerned parties.
The JEALSA Governing Body’s commitment to SIGCPAS is absolute and its business, sustainability, and future are subject to strict compliance with it.
Below are the main policies of our SIGCPAS:
Its purpose is to reflect the corporate values and the basic principles of conduct that should guide the actions of JEALSA and the people that it includes, without exception. This Code is, therefore, the most fundamental standard of JEALSA. Any act or behavior contrary to it will not be tolerated.
This policy is aligned with the Code of Ethics and Conduct, the JEALSA Anti-corruption Policy, and the UNE 19601 standard on Criminal Compliance Systems in Spain, and is based on absolute respect for the values, principles, and guidelines of behavior that are included in said documents, and which reflect the organization’s will to comply with regulations, as well as its zero tolerance for any irregular conduct or conduct suspected of constituting a crime or corrupt practice.
ETHICS CHANNEL (Whistleblowing Channel)
It is intended to regulate an internal communication channel to receive complaints connected to regulatory violations and/or practices contrary to the principles established in JEALSA’s Code of Ethics and Conduct and other Compliance and Anti-bribery policies.
The ethics channel guarantees the confidentiality of those involved in the complaints and non-retaliation against the complainants.
The ethics channel will comply with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of April 27, 2016, concerning the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of data, as well as Organic Law 3/2018 on Personal Data Protection and the Guarantee of Digital Rights.
This policy, as an extension of our Code of Ethics and Conduct, rejects any form of corrupt behavior by its directors, employees, or concerned parties that are related to JEALSA, and intends to form a model of conduct that governs the Group’s performance. This policy endorses the standards set in the ISO 37001 standard, on Anti-bribery Management Systems.
Regulates supplier selection criteria, required ethical standards, and sustainability commitments.
Our suppliers are essential to carrying out our economic activities and proceeding to manufacture and sell high-quality products, therefore, our relationship must be governed by the highest standards of commitment and correction, mutually demanding their collaboration and involvement in order to achieve our goals and purposes.
At JEALSA, regulatory compliance stands as one of the guiding principles of our activities, and we are committed to preventing the commission of crimes.
That is why we have an Integrated Criminal Compliance and Anti-bribery Management System (SIGCPAS) which is aligned to the standards of UNE 19601 on Criminal Compliance Management Systems in Spain and ISO 37001 on Anti-bribery Management Systems. Our policies are available to third parties on its website and on the corporate website www.jealsa.com. We have and ask for zero tolerance for the commission of crimes and that our interested parties have similar criminal risk prevention systems.
Our system covers all the companies that make up our business group, domestically and internationally, and all the people in our organization and concerned parties.
The JEALSA Governing Body’s commitment to SIGCPAS is absolute and its business, sustainability, and future are subject to strict compliance with it.
Below are the main policies of our SIGCPAS:
Its purpose is to reflect the corporate values and the basic principles of conduct that should guide the actions of JEALSA and the people that it includes, without exception. This Code is, therefore, the most fundamental standard of JEALSA. Any act or behavior contrary to it will not be tolerated.
This policy is aligned with the Code of Ethics and Conduct, the JEALSA Anti-corruption Policy, and the UNE 19601 standard on Criminal Compliance Systems in Spain, and is based on absolute respect for the values, principles, and guidelines of behavior that are included in said documents, and which reflect the organization’s will to comply with regulations, as well as its zero tolerance for any irregular conduct or conduct suspected of constituting a crime or corrupt practice.
ETHICS CHANNEL (Whistleblowing Channel)
It is intended to regulate an internal communication channel to receive complaints connected to regulatory violations and/or practices contrary to the principles established in JEALSA’s Code of Ethics and Conduct and other Compliance and Anti-bribery policies.
The ethics channel guarantees the confidentiality of those involved in the complaints and non-retaliation against the complainants.
The ethics channel will comply with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of April 27, 2016, concerning the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of data, as well as Organic Law 3/2018 on Personal Data Protection and the Guarantee of Digital Rights.
This policy, as an extension of our Code of Ethics and Conduct, rejects any form of corrupt behavior by its directors, employees, or concerned parties that are related to JEALSA, and intends to form a model of conduct that governs the Group’s performance. This policy endorses the standards set in the ISO 37001 standard, on Anti-bribery Management Systems.
Regulates supplier selection criteria, required ethical standards, and sustainability commitments.
Our suppliers are essential to carrying out our economic activities and proceeding to manufacture and sell high-quality products, therefore, our relationship must be governed by the highest standards of commitment and correction, mutually demanding their collaboration and involvement in order to achieve our goals and purposes.